East of the Andes Cordillera and the ancient and Modern City of Quito lies "EL ORIENTE" which are what Ecuadorian call "Amazonia". A short 30 minutes flight from Quito plunges the visitor back in time to impregnable jungle and transportation by dugout canoe.

Here is the storied upper Amazon Basin in all its lush green glory with mysterious Indian Tribes, exotic plants, animals and exotic birds, winding dusty trails and, in most recent years, oil derricks. An Amazonian adventure is not everyone, but an unforgettable experience for someone.

Our special adventurous programs are designed for those people who love nature and adventure. In the upper Amazon Basin lies the pulse of true adventure and unspoiled paradise. Ramble through waterways and jungles teaming with life, much of it unchanged for the last million years. Our silent approach, no more unnatural to the animal eye than floating log, guarantees us intimate contact with this unique environment.

All our programs in the Amazon include transportation by airplane, car and boat; accommodations in hotels and lodges or in comfortable tents; meals as specified; crew; bilingual naturalist guide and Park taxes.

Beneath a solid canopy of brilliant stars and cradled by an incessant symphony of natures's music, our safer campsites make possible sensations only a few will ever know.


