For some time now, Ecuador has been famous as a site where a great variety of birds species, make it an ideal place for ornithological observation. The three continental regions as well as the Galapagos Islands have a variety of unique bird species. Ecuador is comparably impressive where a total of almost 1,559 species (37 endemic) have identified and many more will be discovered, putting it in the fourth place internationally.

It has been proved scientifically that 18% of the total bird's species are found in Ecuador, more than in any other Latin American country. Even though Brazil is 30 times larger than Ecuador, it has the same number of bird species. 60% of the 128 species of hummingbirds can be found. Needless to say Ecuador is a paradise for bird watching.

 One day trips to areas near major cities as well as one week or longer tours are available for professional ornithologists, or enthusiastic birdwatchers.

Some of the most important and notable species that could be found in the Coast Region are: the pale-mandibled aragari, grey-backed hawk, Guayaquil woodpecker, blue-tailed trogon, Esmeraldas antbird, white-tailed jay, pale brown tinamou, Peruvian tick-knee, red masked and grey-cheeked parakeets and gulls.

In the Highlands: Condor, carunculated caracara, Andean lapwing and gull, black-faced ibis, Ecuadorian hill star, canasteros and thisletails.

In the Amazon: Hoatzin, horned screamer, kites, hawks, hawk-eagles, powerful harpy, antbirds, manakins trogons, cotingaas, toucans, barbets, curassows, parrots and macaws.

