OTAVALO COUNTRY TOUR (2 days anytime)

The finest and most well known fair on the continent. Shop for weavings, sweaters, belts, blankets and rugs. Bargain with the colorful and industrious natives.

Day 1. - Today we drive north of Quito and visit Calderon, famous for its bread dolls; then via the Pan American Hwy. we also visit Cayambe before we arrive to the famous Otavalo Indian Market. Lunch. PM. A visit to Peguche where the Otavalo Indians actually do their weaving and the wood carving center of San Antonio de Ibarra. Dinner and overnight included.

Day 2. - Breakfast. In the morning we'll visit the Cuicocha Lake and the craft village of Cotacachi, famous for its leather goods. Lunch. PM. Return to Quito via a different Hwy.

BAŅOS CLOUD FOREST (2 days anytime)

Baņos, at an elevation of 5,910 ft, is located in a lush ecological transition zone between the highlands an Amazon basin.

Day 1. - We leave Quito in the morning and visit one of the Indian Markets on route. Lunch. PM. We drive to Baņos in a gorgeous descent along the Patate river basin after visiting the Salasaca Indian Reserve. Dinner and overnight in Baņos.

Day 2. - Breakfast. Up before dawn for an invigorating dip at the thermal springs at the foot of the Tungurahua volcano. Then we have a short hike in this beautiful area, full of birds, plants and waterfalls. We continue to Riobamba. Lunch. PM. Return to Quito after visiting the Conceptas Cloister's Museum.

CUENCA (2 days anytime)

Cuenca, the third largest city of Ecuador, is rich in history and still is retaining much of its colonial flavor due to its isolation from the rest of the country until recently. Cuenca has beautiful red-tile roofs, cobblestone flowerlined streets and many old buildings constructed with marble.

Day 1. - In the morning we take the flight to Cuenca. Once in Cuenca we drive to Ingapirca, the most important and best-preserved Inca Ruins of Ecuador. Lunch. PM. Return to Cuenca for a short city tour. Dinner and overnight.

Day 2. - Breakfast. Today we will visit the towns of Gualaceo and Chordeleg, center of the IKAT, an ancient technique of dyeing and weaving. These towns are also famous for its embroidered goods, ceramics, silver and gold jewelry and filigree and pottery. Lunch. PM. Return to Cuenca to take the flight backs to Quito.